Trevor Haldenby is an imaginative futurist and entrepreneur with 10 years of experience in business innovation, strategic foresight, and digital storytelling. Interactive Producer at Canadian Film Centre (2004), Habbo Hotel (2006), Earth Rangers (2008). Special presenter and guest artist at TED, CBC, World Future Society, and Autodesk University.
Trevor’s MDes research in foresight at OCAD University (2012) explored taking scenarios and trend forecasts off the written page, and bringing the future to life through immersive and interactive experiences that integrate social media, physical artifacts, and live performances.
Since 2013, the company he founded – The Mission Business – has been commercializing this research; creating events, participatory workshops, and games that use play to unlock strategic insights about the business environment of tomorrow. TMB’s clients include Autodesk, Microsoft, Ubisoft, and the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation