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Welcome to our online library.

Our English as a Second Language (ESL) Library contains stories written by newcomers for newcomers, but can be enjoyed by everyone. Thse stories are a collection of the newcomer experience in Canada told in a first-person voice.

Each storybook in our library is written in the author’s home language with the English translation on the same page. Click on the languages below to access stories written by authors who speak that language.

We hope you enjoy the stories written by newcomers to Canada!

If you come across any translation issues, please email

Arabic library button
Armenian library button
Bengali library button
Chinese library button
English library button
Filipino library button
French library button
Hindi library button
Korean library button
Persian library button
Portuguese library button
Somali library button
Spanish library button
Turkish library button

Disclaimer: Department of Imaginary Affairs believes all stories are valuable and The Stories of Us project is a platform to surface, showcase, and amplify these stories, specifically the newcomer experience. The views expressed by the authors are lived experiences and may showcase a diverse range of opinions. We publish stories for public discourse which increase constructive, nuanced dialogue about the newcomer journey in a way that is informed by first-hand newcomer experiences.

If you have any questions or concerns about the stories that are published in this library, please feel free to get in touch at

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