Feedback helps the Department of Imaginary Affairs understand if this project has been meaningful for you. Your feedback will help make this project better in the future. This is how I feel about: Learning to read EnglishExcellentGoodOkayNot GoodBadMy confidence in reading EnglishExcellentGoodOkayNot GoodBadGoing to the libraryExcellentGoodOkayNot GoodBadThe resources that are available to me as an English-language learner at the libraryExcellentGoodOkayNot GoodBadThe resources that are actually helping me learn English at the libraryExcellentGoodOkayNot GoodBadThe Story Stitching Project overallExcellentGoodOkayNot GoodBadThe verbal instructions about what to do were clear for me to understandExcellentGoodOkayNot GoodBadThe Story Stitching workbook enhanced my understanding of the English languageExcellentGoodOkayNot GoodBadWrite how you felt when you saw your finished story bookWould you recommend this project to a friend? Yes No CommentsCAPTCHANameThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.