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Dear DIA family,

This year, as we looked to buy gifts for some of our volunteers to thank them for the valuable contributions to our organization, we wanted to make sure we were also supporting local Immigrant-owned businesses and artisans.

In our search, we found there weren’t that many to choose from and so we thought this would be a good opportunity to support, promote and amplify the ones we did find.

We know this is a hard year for all small businesses and we were curious to learn about these businesses’ stories.

We asked for those who could spare some time to share their stories with us, we especially like the stories of how businesses got their names. The name says so much about what the business is trying to bring to the world and we really appreciated hearing those. 

In future years, we look forward to growing this list and hearing more stories.

We hope that when you are buying gifts this year, you might start with our list and if you do, please let us know!


DIA Team

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